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a black and white photo of a dark background

Countries Where We Operate

Expanding to serve you better – discover where APX Lending's secure crypto-backed loans are available.

an airplane flying in the sky with a white tail
a blue ball with a dollar sign on top of it

Make a large purchase

an airplane flying through the air with a sky background
a blue square with a dollar sign on it

Pay off credit card debt

a snowboarder in a blue jacket is doing a trick
a blue shield with a bitcoin on it

Put money locked in crypto to use

an airplane flying through the air with a sky background
a blue and white logo with a dollar sign in the middle of it

Get $ from Bitcoin without selling it

an airplane flying through the air with a sky background
a picture of a dollar sign in a hexagonal frame

Finance home project or renovation

an airplane flying in the sky with a mountain in the background
a blue logo with a white background

Avoid tax implications from selling Bitcoin


Business loans: all provinces
Personal loans: all provinces


Business loans: all states
Personal loans: coming soon

a flat screen tv sitting on top of a wooden stand

Ready to Get Started?

Apply for a fast, secure, and hassle-free loan today!

How It Works – Quick, Simple, Transparent

1 step

Register on the website

<5 minutes
2 step

Apply for a loan

<15 minutes
3 step

Get approved & funded

<24 hours